Program Objectives
Special Education Teacher Preparation Program aims for the graduate to be able to:-
1- Identify the characteristics of categories of people with special needs and their problems.
2- Conduct a research plan for one of special education problems in society, to serve the policy of educational and societal integration for special needs.
3- Use appropriate diagnostic methods and tools to deal professionally with people with special needs.
4- Activate psychological counseling and educational guidance mechanisms in teaching methods using educational technology and taking into account the characteristics of learners with special needs.
5- Participate in preparing preventive, diagnostic, counseling and early treatment intervention programs for people with special needs.
6- Communicate positively using his personal abilities and technology skills, observing Arabic language and being fluent in one of the foreign languages.
7- Apply the values of society including national belonging, democracy, tolerance and acceptance of others, the cultural identity of the nation and ethics of teaching profession in its dealings with learners.
8- Realize his role in society development and the role of education in its sustainability, developing the graduate professionally to participate in the activities of services and caring for people with special needs in the family and community centers.
9- Be proficient in the academic aspects with his ability to communicate academic information to students with special needs, with his knowledge of appropriate learning strategies and methods for all groups.